“I STAND FOR PEACE” Event and Fundraiser for Ukraine
The GABA Film Initiative opened in-person events since the onset of the pandemic with a meaningful and content-rich first event on June 2, 2022! View images
Supported and co-hosted with The Art of Living Foundation, SEEfest LA, and Ethos Film Awards, Joachim Zell, GABA Film Initiative Co-Chair, led through the program with his characteristic humor.
The location was a historic monument, the Art of Living Dome. It set the stage for reflection and open hearts while gathering around the topic of meaningful film industry contributions and peace.
German Consul Stefan Schneider opened the program by reminding everyone of the difficult political situation we are in, in Europe and the world.
Joachim Zell opened the main program by inviting SEEfestLA Film Festival Founder Vera Mijojlic to the stage to discuss and introduce two Seefest award-winning movies.
“As far as I can walk” is a movie describing the journey of African refugees through Europe. For the first time in history, 100 million people are fleeing their homes in May 2022.
The 2nd movie, “Klondike”, is a Ukrainian movie from 2014 with the war in Ukraine as the underlying plot, and time again is happening today as we are on day 100 of today’s war between Russia and Ukraine.
The highlight of the evening was keynote speaker Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s talk about his global “I stand for peace” campaign. He concluded his speech with a meditation that brought the minds of the audience together for a conclusion to the event.
GABA thanks the “Art of Living Foundation” for hosting this amazing in-person event at their historic dome! Thank you to the “Ethos Film Awards” for sponsoring a delicious buffet and thank you to all of you who donated to the Unicef-Ukraine and the “International Association For Human Values” campaigns.