Dealing with Cultural Disparities in the German and US Workplace
Cultural differences matter. They play a significant role in nearly every aspect of daily life. Not being cognizant of different cultural norms can oftentimes lead to confusion and potentially hinder relationships. The importance of knowing and respecting the various backgrounds of others in society should always be high on a priority list.
Keeping that in mind, the workplace is typically a hot spot for cultural differences. With companies today placing added emphasis on diverse hiring practices and equal opportunity, remaining considerate and open to unfamiliar cultural norms matters now more than ever.
On Thursday, May 20th, GABA Southern California continued its Living a Double Life in Germany and the U.S. series by hosting a virtual event that centered specifically around workplace cultural disparities in both countries. Headlined by cross-cultural trainer Andrea Breidenbach and diversity webinar trainer Wolfgang Jockusch, the 90-minute event addressed the differences between typical German and American workplaces and how distinct, cultural disparities can impact employees.
Unlike GABA’s past events where Q&A sessions were normally reserved as concluding segments, Breidenbach and Jockusch involved the audience from the start, allowing for a more interactive event. The speakers didn’t divide the 90 minutes into two parts but instead opted to break down the country’s workplace differences simultaneously. Participants from both countries were able to share their experiences and opinions throughout.
To take part in future GABA events, learn about past speakers, and more, simply visit the events page. – written by Shaun Canady