Contact Tracing: Technology, implementation, and balance between low infection rates and personal rights
In a highly engaged discussion, our experts touched on many important aspects of contact tracing, both covering the public and private sector, as well as the many obvious and more subtle differences in Germany and the US. Among many other thoughtful comments, we heard about balancing data privacy vs. freedom of movement, the contradiction between people using applications like Facebook or TikTok without reservations while being hesitant toward contact tracing apps, and the underlying aspect of trust. We also learned about variations of commercial solutions, which operate on a different legal basis altogether.
Thank you to Sandro Gaycken (Director of Digital Society Institute Berlin) who moderated the panel, and our speakers, Hans-Christian Boos (Founder ar arago, member of the Digital Council to Angela Merkel), Edward Holman (Privacy & Security Of Counsel at WSGR), Jay Heglar (Chief Business Officer at Domo, Inc.), and Thomas Kahl (Partner at Taylor Wessing, Tech & Privacy).