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Germany to Boost Film Industry with Increased National Funding

Germany is planning to strengthen its support for the film industry in 2025. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s cabinet has proposed a substantial increase in funding for the national cultural film funding program run by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). This initiative aims to enhance the artistic standing and diversity of German cinema.

Global Promotion of German Films

One notable highlight is the allocation of an extra €1 million for the promotion of German films worldwide, supplementing the existing budget of €4.8 million. This emphasizes Germany’s commitment to increasing the visibility and appeal of its films on the international stage, encouraging cultural exchange, and expanding market opportunities.

New Initiatives for Emerging Filmmakers

A new funding category will be introduced to support emerging filmmakers, with an initial annual budget of €7.2 million, increasing to €8.5 million by 2027. Project development funding will also increase to €5 million annually by 2027, and support for smaller arthouse distributors will rise to €2 million.

These financial boosts, along with planned reforms to the German Film Law (FFG) and new tax incentives, are designed to create a vibrant and competitive film production environment. The international film industry can look forward to new opportunities for collaboration and cultural exchange created by these developments.

For more information, read the full article here.

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