Sign-up for Covid-19 Exposure Notifications in CA
As of today, California’s exposure notification system (CA Notify) is available on most phones. It’s working principle and privacy features are already familiar to everyone who has attended GABA’s contact tracing panel discussion in June.
In this time of alarming rises in cases and hospitalizations, it is more important than ever that all Californians do their part to stop the surge. Starting Thursday, December 10, Californians can opt-in to CA Notify to receive COVID-19 notifications informing them if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the virus.
The technology is available through the Google Play Store on Android devices or through iOS settings on their Apple devices. CA Notify will alert users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. With that information, they can make responsible decisions around quarantine and testing, which is essential for stopping the surge. If you opt-in and get a positive test result, you will receive a code via text message from the California Department of Public Health.
This technology was built with public health and public trust in mind: it’s easy to use, and it protects your privacy. Californians must opt in to use it. No location data or personally identifiable information is ever collected, stored or transmitted. We need Californians to get this technology on their phones. The more people using it, the better we can stop the surge and save lives. Every day that is saved in alerting others of a possible exposure is a day that a possibly infectious person can begin quarantine and reduce the spread.
For more information about CA Notify, visit www.canotify.ca.gov.