German Day in San Francisco
German Day 2022 in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco was a roaring success for GABA and everyone else who participated in this exciting gathering this Sunday!
GABA and many other German organizations presented their expertise to attendees of the fest to the tune of the Deutscher Musikverein of San Francisco along with many other very talented music and dance groups.
Our GABA info table received lots of attention from many interesting, knowledgeable and well-connected people who visited us both from Germany and right here in San Francisco.
There were a lot of activities for adults and children alike as well as a Biergarten that served authentic German cuisine and beer! There were also a lot of networking opportunities with the German Consulate or the Goethe Institute to name a few.
We greatly enjoyed speaking with everyone who came to see us and learning all about what you do. Heartfelt thanks to the organizers and to everyone who joined us in Golden Gate Park this Sunday. We look forward to working with you in the near future!
Author: GABA volunteer Gunnar Bash