Create A Post-Pandemic Cultural Life – Applications Open until July 20
The Global Innovation Collaborative (GIC) announced the launch of its Creative Cities Challenge to speed economic recovery in the cultural and creative sectors after the pandemic. The GIC is a partnership between the Cities of Berlin, London, New York City and Paris, along with Bloomberg Associates, Microsoft, and Nitrous. The GIC is looking for long-term, sustainable and equitable solutions that will support these critical sectors rebound from the pandemic. The goal of this challenge is to find functional solutions that will drive economic growth and address new public health, legal, technological and social challenges caused by the pandemic. The challenge will act as a blueprint for other cities around the world to address their own recovery efforts.
In the USA: Kristina L. García, Managing Director, Berlin Business Office, USA, kgarcia@berlinbusinessoffice.com
In Berlin: Franziska Ehrhardt, Area Manager USA/ Canada at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, franziska.ehrhardt@berlin-partner.de