A Message from Our Executive Director
The last 10 weeks have been difficult and stressful for many members of our community, fighting racial injustice and a global pandemic at the same time. As an organization with a mission to make connections between global communities, GABA shares the pain and outrage as we witness more acts of violence against people of color. Please know we deeply care about diversity, and are committed to fostering an inclusive community with equal access to opportunity for everyone, in the US and the rest of the world.
With COVID-19 cases still growing in the United States, we have canceled or postponed all of our in-person events until restrictions are lifted or it is safe to meet again. As a non-profit that is only funded by membership and event fees, this decision has considerable financial impact on our operating budget. However, we believe that it is more important than ever to keep the GABA community connected, network and learn from each other, and inspire one another. Therefore, we have offered many free events to serve our community (small networking events, thought leadership panels, and knowledge sharing webinars), and are working on launching a stronger and even more supportive GABA this fall. Please consider a donation to GABA to help us through these uncertain times. With your support we will continue to create programs to connect and strengthen the German-American business community during these extraordinary times.
Caroline Raynaud