Breakfast Briefing. International Dispute Resolution Made in Germany.
The Breakfast Briefing, co-hosted by GABA Northern California, the German Consulate General San Francisco, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung (DAJV e.V.), brought together a high-level delegation from North Rhine-Westphalia, led by Governor Hendrik Wüst, and the Bay Area legal community to explore the advancements in Germany’s legal framework for commercial courts.
We were honored to have distinguished guests such as Ulrike Malmendier, esteemed professor for economics and finance at UC Berkeley, Dr. Robert Papst, presiding judge of the Düsseldorf District Court, and Nicolas Wiegand, partner at the law firm CMS in Silicon Valley, join us for this enlightening conversation. Governor Wüst introduced the topic by providing an insightful overview of NRW’s very successful efforts in fostering technology and supporting the international legal industry.
Panelists discussed Germany’s steps to establish commercial courts conducting proceedings in English. The initiative is set to enhance the attractiveness of the German legal system, and streamline cross-border dispute resolution, ultimately improving efficiency and reducing costs. Leveraging the strong reputation of existing German courts, these commercial courts are poised to attract international business, positioning Germany as a key hub for global commerce and investment. The engaging briefing delved not only into legal matters but also explored the economic implications and the future prospects of the new English-speaking court system in Germany. The lively panel discussion captivated attendees, including international legal experts and participants interested in global affairs.
For more great pictures of the event, please see our event photo album here.